Saturday, February 9, 2019

eFishery #MeeTheTeam

Meet The Team is an employee branding series where we showcase eFisherians' little backstory before they work here and also a little testimony of how it is working for eFishery. Each eFisherian also needs to provide a quote (of theirs/their favorite one) to then be featured in their picture.

For this project, I interviewed these people myself and then wrote the pieces.
All captions are already edited by my editor Hawa Firdaus.

Sebelum dijual, feeder-feeder eFishery tentunya harus dipastikan dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Kandi Efan Haryadi, biasa dipanggil Kandi, adalah yang bertanggung jawab untuk itu. • Sebagai Quality Control Officer, Kandi berkewajiban mengontrol produksi feeder lini per lini hingga ke proses perakitannya. He likes the idea of creating a new tool. Itulah yang menjadikannya senang berkecimpung pada dunia permesinan, selain karena ia juga punya latar belakang pendidikan Teknik Mesin. • Pria gondrong yang terlihat kalem ini sangat menjungjung tinggi arti komitmen. Bahwa jika sudah memutuskan mengerjakan sesuatu maka harus diselesaikan dengan baik. Selain itu, Kandi juga punya satu prinsip pamungkas dalam menjalani hidup: “Saya hidup untuk yang Maha Hidup.” Singkat tapi sarat makna. #MeetTheTeam #eFisherian #eFishery
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"What I like about my job is that I am passionate about it," stated Aji Subakti, eFishery's Aquaculture Scientist. . Graduated from Fisheries Science Padjajaran University, Aji has been always put his heart to fisheries activities, including taking care of 8 aquariums at his house. His experience then makes him the most wanted man at office when it comes to aquaculture topic. From handling research (both inhouse and international), writing a piece of his expertise to be shared, to giving insights on how to deal with fish farmers, . Aji understands that at some points incorporating technology to fisheries is one challenging task. However, he believes that eFishery's innovative idea is highly needed in the future of aquaculture. . #efishery #efisherian #IoT #startuplife #akuakultur #scientist
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