Saturday, February 16, 2019

AIESEC Global Volunteer Booklet and Notes

As Vice President of Business to Customer (Initiative Growth) of AIESEC in Bandung, I was in charge of promoting the organization's volunteering program named Global Volunteer--GV in short.

GV is a program that lets college students to go on a volunteering project of their own--they can choose what kind of issue and which country they want to contribute in. People need to apply online through the organization's website.  After applying for the program, applicants would be invited to an induction session and as "gift" a.k.a our offline CRM efforts, me and my team provided this booklet for the applicants. With this booklet, they can know detailed information regarding the program. We also initiated to give a real gift for them called the GV Notes. This notebook doesn't only let applicant write stuffs but this notebook will help them keep track of their volunteering experience as we provide them with checklists, trackers, and weekly planner. 

All contents and copies were done by me.
All design work was done by one of my team members Nuke Paramitha.
We brainstormed the concept together.

Global Volunteer Booklet

Global Volunteer Booklets

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